Submitted Papers
- Jewell, Matthew; Page, Garritt L.; Reese, C. Shane “Assessing End-of-Season Performance as a Function of Average Minutes Played for NBA Players”
- Page, Garritt L.; Ventrucci, Massimo; Franco-Villoria, Maria “Informed Bayesian Finite Mixture Models via Asymmetric Dirichlet Priors” [arXiv] [R-package]
- Paganin, Sally; Page, Garritt L.; Quintana, Fernando A. “Informed Random Partition Models with Temporal Dependence” [arXiv] [R-package]
- Ward, Tyler W.; Page, Garritt L.; Fellingham, Gilbert W.; Jara, Alejandro “Using Shot Location Transitions to Discover Tennis Player Strategies ”
Published Papers
* implies author order is alphabetical
- Barrientos, A. Felipe; Page, Garritt L.; Lin, Lifeng (2024+) “Non-parametric Bayesian Approach to Multiple Treatment Comparisons in Network Meta-Analysis with Application to Comparisons of Anti-Depressants ” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C accepted. [link] [arXiv] [R-package]
- Heiner, Matthew J.; Page, Garritt L.; Quintana, Fernando A. (2024+) “A Projection Approach to Local Regression with Variable-Dimension Covariates” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics accepted. [link] [arXiv]
- * Page, Garritt L.; San Martín, Ernesto.; Torres, David; Van Bellegem, Sébastien (2024) “Temporally Dynamic, Cohort-Varying, Value-Added Models” Psychometrika 89(3) 1074-1103. [link] [R-package]
- Quinlan, José J.; Page, Garritt L.; Castro, Luis M. (2024) “Joint Random Partition Models for Multivariate Change Point Analysis” Bayesian Analysis 19(1) 21-48. [link] [arXiv] [R-package]
- Guan, Yawen; Page, Garritt L.; Reich, Brian J.; Ventrucci, Massimo; Yang, Shu (2023) “A Spectral Adjustment for Spatial Confounding” Biometrika 110(3) 699-719. [link] [arXiv] [R-package]
- Barrientos, A. Felipe; Sen, Deborshee; Page, Garritt L.; Dunson, David B (2023) “Bayesian Inferences on Uncertain Ranks and Orderings” Bayesian Analysis 18(3) 777-806. [link] [arXiv]
- Page, Garritt L.; Quintana, Fernando A; Dahl, David B. (2022) “Dependent Modeling of Temporal Sequences of Random Partitions” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 31(2) 614-627. [link] [arXiv] [R-package]
- Page, Garritt L.; Quintana, Fernando A; Müller, Peter (2022) “Clustering and Prediction with Variable Dimension Covariates” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 31(2) 466-476. [link] [arXiv] [R-package]
- Horton, W. Zachary; Page, Garritt L.; Reese, C. Shane; Lepley, Lindsay; White, McKenzie (2021) “Template Priors in Bayesian Curve Registration” Technometrics 63(4) 487-499. [link] [R-package]
- Quinlan, José J.; Quintana, Fernando A; Page, Garritt L. (2021) “On a Class of Repulsive Mixture Models” Test 30(2) 445-461. [link]
- Page, Garritt L.; Quintana, Fernando A.; Rosner, Gary L. (2021) “Discovering Interactions Using Covariate Informed Random Partition Models” Annals of Applied Statistics 15(1) 1-21. [link] [arXiv]
- de Carvalho, Miguel; Barney, Bradley J; Page, Garritt L. (2020) “Affinity-Based Measures of Biomarker Performance Evaluation” Statistical Methods in Medical Research 29(3) 837-853. [link] [arXiv]
- Page, Garritt L.; Rodríguez Álvarez, María Xosé ; Lee, Dae-Jin (2020) “Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling of Growth Curve Derivatives via Sequences of Quotient Differences” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C 69(2) 459-481. [link] [R-package]
- de Carvalho, Miguel; Page, Garritt L.; Barney, Bradley J. (2019) “On The Geometry of Bayesian Inference” Bayesian Analysis 14(4) 1013-1036. [link] [arXiv]
- Page, Garritt L.; Quintana, Fernando A. (2018) “Calibrating Covariate Informed Product Partition Models” Statistics and Computing 28(5) 1009-1031. [link] [R-package]
- Quinlan, José J.; Page, Garritt L.; Quintana, Fernando A. (2018) “Density Regression using Repulsive Distributions” Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 88(15) 2931-294. [link]
- Müller, Peter; Quintana, Fernando A.; Page, Garritt L. (2018) “Nonparametric Bayesian Inference in Applications” Statistical Methods and Applications 27(2) 175-206. [link]
- Griffin, Jim; Kalli, Maria; Steel, Mark (2018) “Discussion on ‘Nonparametric Bayesian Inference in Applications’: Bayesian Nonparametric Methods in Econometrics”. [link]
- Kottas, Athanasios (2018) “Discussion of Nonparametric Bayesian Inference in Applications”. [link]
- Jo, Seongil; Lee, Jaeyong (2018) “Discussion on Nonparametric Bayesian Inference in Applications”.[link]
- Tsagbey, Sitsofe; de Carvalho, Miguel; Page, Garritt L. (2017) “All Data are Wrong, but Some are Useful? Advocating the Need for Data Auditing” The American Statistician 71(3) 231-235. [link]
- Page, Garritt L.; Lui, Yajun; He, Zhuqiong; Sun, Dongchu. (2017) “Estimation and Prediction in the Presence of Spatial Confounding for Spatial Linear Models” Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 44(3) 780-797. [link]
- Page, Garritt L.; San Martín, Ernesto; Orellana, Javiera; Gonzalez, Jorge. (2017) “Exploring Complete School Effectiveness via Quantile Value-Added” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A 180(1) 315-340. [link] [R-package]
- Page, Garritt L.; Quintana, Fernando A. (2016) “Spatial Product Partition Models” Bayesian Analysis 1(1) 265-298. [link] [arXiv] [R-package]
- Gramacy, Robert B.; Lee, Herbert K. H. (2016) “Comment on Spatial Product Partition Models”. [link]
- Reich, Brian J.; Fuentes, Monteserrat (2016) “Comment on Spatial Product Partition Models”. [link]
- Gaetan, Carlo; Padoan, Simone A.; Prünster, Igor (2016) “Comment on Spatial Product Partition Models”. [link]
- Page, Garritt L.; Quintana, Fernando A. (2016) “Rejoinder to Comments on Spatial Product Partition Models”. [link]
- Page, Garritt L.; Quintana, Fernando A. (2015) “Predictions Based on the Clustering of Heterogenous Functions via Shape and Subject-Specific Covariates” Bayesian Analysis 10(2) 379-410. [link] [arXiv]
- Page, Garritt L.; Barney, Bradley J.; McGuire, Aaron T. (2013) “Effect of Position, Usage Rate, and Per Game Minutes Played on NBA Player Production Curves” Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 9(4) 337-345. [link]
- Leyva, Norma; Page, Garritt L.; Vardeman, Stephen B.; Wendelberger, Joanne R. (2013) “Bayes Statistical Analyses for Particle Sieving Studies” Technometrics 55(2) 224-231. [link]
- Page, Garritt L.; Bhattacharya, Abhishek; Dunson, David B. (2013) “Classification via Bayesian Nonparametric Learning of Affine Subspaces” Journal of the American Statistical Association 108(1) 187-201. [link] [arXiv]
- Page, Garritt L.; Vardeman, Stephen B. (2012) “Bayesian Approach to Establishing a Reference Particle Size Distribution in the Presence of Outliers” Mathematical Geosciences 44(6) 721-737. [link]
- Page, Garritt L.; Dunson, David B. (2011) “Bayesian Local Contamination Models for Multivariate Outliers” Technometrics 53(2) 152-162. [link]
- Page, Garritt L.; Vardeman, Stephen B. (2010) “Using Bayes methods and mixture models in inter-laboratory studies with outliers” Accreditation and Quality Assurance 15(7) 379-389. [link]
- Page, Garritt L.; Fellingham, Gilbert W.; and Reese, C. Shane (2007) “Using Box-Scores to Determine a Position's Contribution to Winning Basketball Games” Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports 3(4) 1-16. [link]